In another step towards restoring authenticity to the secondary classroom, our department has completely re-created our process of assessment. We have abandoned the old ‘curriculum levels’ model and replaced it with a standards-based badged achievement system.
Deus ex Machina
Presentation to the Sunday Times Festival of Education, exploring the "God in the Machine". The notion that it is through setting up a class environment that concentrates on the imperatives of authenticity and agency, the aspects of learning that we care about...
Presentation to Teachmeet BETT 2014
You can also read my "It Takes a Village" Post
Agency through Authenticity
Presentation to the #i2ipartnership teachmeet, held on 24 October 2013
What I do when the Government isn't watching.
An intrepid group of educators are headed off to Brighton to run a teachmeet on the fringes of the Labour Party conference, here is part of my contribution to the event - I'll upload the full speech after the event. The presentations in full will all be available on...
Presentation to Pedagoo London
This is the information that accompanied my two presentations to Pedagoo London on 2 March 2013. The event was a grass-roots un-conference run by teachers for our own professional development. It brought together a group of about 200 practitioners from all over the...