Bags and Chris compare notes on how they tend to approach the preparation of students for the Unfamiliar Texts section in the New Zealand English Scholarship examination.
Our Presentation at Northern Rocks #NRocks
Presentation: Unlock Achievement
As part of my Deus Ex Machina series, here is the information that went with my presentation to Teachmeet Islington. Heaps more detail about our Unlock Achievement project can be found in my Journal entry on the topic
Unlock Achievement – Microcredentials for the secondary classroom
In another step towards restoring authenticity to the secondary classroom, our department has completely re-created our process of assessment. We have abandoned the old ‘curriculum levels’ model and replaced it with a standards-based badged achievement system.
Four Successful Homework Strategies
Homework is one of the most fraught areas of secondary teaching. We know it's important, its impact is visible and its routines don't offend common sense. Yet in the daily reality of the classroom homework is so often reduced to an after-thought, a misery and a...
Transcending Grade Boundaries
In the eye of the GCSE English "grade manipulation storm", I’m seeing a silver lining Almost as soon as this year’s GCSE English grades were released, the twittersphere, broadsheets and tabloids were set alight, first with murmurings, and then all-out accusations that...