In the third week of the school year, Chris and Gena explored the new year as a fresh start, including Chris’ newly ‘upgraded’ classroom (complete with LEDs and a lava lamp). The conversation shifted to celebrating Gena’s outstanding achievement of three English scholarships at Otago Boys, including one outstanding scholarship. We discussed the importance of maintaining high expectations, establishing powerful routines, and the positive impact this has on student learning. We reflected on how setting ambitious targets ourselves models the very dispositions we ask of our students, and shared insights about the learning relationships we build with boys who may not verbalise appreciation often but deeply value rigorous, disciplined learning environments.
Show Notes:
- Chris’ classroom upgrade experiment: LEDs and a lava lamp creating a new learning environment
- Gina’s exciting scholarship results – three students achieving scholarships including one outstanding scholarship
- The voluntary nature of scholarship work and the rewards for both students and teachers
- The importance of “starting as you mean to continue” with high expectations
- How established routines and standards become self-reinforcing in the classroom
- Our insights about teaching boys: the learning relationship matters more than personal connection
- Parent feedback confirming that students appreciate rigour and high standards
- Gena’s reflections on completing a successful first year at Otago Boys and looking forward to deeper impact